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How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

Ever since when we are kids, we have been taught the importance of brushing our teeth regularly. The mouth is a portal to your body that is why practicing good dental routine is crucial in maintaining optimal oral health.

Leftover food particles can accumulate on your tongue, under the gums, and between the teeth. The bacteria feeds on the food debris and converts it into plaque (a sticky white waste product of the bacteria). Plaque produces acids that damage tooth enamel and gums, causing dental health problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, and dental sepsis.

The easiest and most effective way to keep your mouth and teeth healthy and clean is by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.

Here are the top reasons why brushing your teeth is important:

  • Preventing cavities – Plaque produces acid that can eat away the tooth enamel and creates holes. Brushing your teeth twice daily prevents plaque from building on the surface of the teeth. In addition to regular brushing, professional dental cleaning also helps remove tartar (hardened plaque) from your teeth effectively.
  • Preventing tooth loss – Plaque build-up can cause periodontal disease and gingivitis. Untreated gum disease leads to premature loss of teeth. Additionally, plaque can move further down the tooth and damage the supporting bone in the jaw. Over time, it loosens the teeth. Avoid gum problems by brushing your teeth consistently.

How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

  • Removing stains – Drinking coffee, tea, and wine, as well as using tobacco products can stain your teeth. Regular tooth brushing, paired with thorough professional dental cleaning and polishing, helps brighten your smile.
  • Freshening your breath – Practicing good dental hygiene prevents chronic bad breath or halitosis by removing plaque every day, preventing tartar buildup, a hard, crusty deposit that stains your teeth and traps bacteria. People with tartar often struggle with bad breath, no matter how good they take care of the mouth.

Proper Toothbrush Care is Important

How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

Although you have been brushing our teeth for many years, you might be surprised to learn that you are not doing it correctly. It simply takes two minutes to brush our teeth properly, but many of us fail to come close to brushing that long.

If you do not know how to properly care for your toothbrush, your efforts to maintain a healthy and radiant smile might not do you much good. Using an old, frayed toothbrush does not effectively and thoroughly remove food debris.

Keep in mind that your toothbrush is your first line of defence against oral diseases. You may not see it, but an improperly-cleaned toothbrush can be laced with harmful bacteria and other organisms that could make you sick. Your toothbrush is that it can harbour millions of bacteria and organisms if not properly cleaned after each use. Among the most common bacteria and organisms that live in your toothbrush, include:

  • Staphylococci
  • Coliforms
  • Yeast
  • Pseudomonads

While your toothbrush helps take care of your teeth, it is up to you to provide it with the proper care and maintenance it needs to do its job well.

Keeping Your Toothbrush Clean

How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

The first thing to do is to make sure that your toothbrush is clean, before and after you use it.

  • Wash your hands before handling the toothbrush. Your hands might carry bacteria that can contaminate the toothbrush.
  • Wash your toothbrush thorough with hot tap water after each use to remove any traces of toothpaste and debris from the bristles. Allow it to dry in air until you use it again.
  • Rinse your toothbrush with an antibacterial mouth rinse every once in a while to reduce your risk of exposure to harmful bacteria. You can also use an FDA-recommended toothbrush sanitizer to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria on your toothbrush.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or as soon as bristles start to bend or fray. Also, children’s toothbrushes should be replaced more frequently than adults’ toothbrushes. Toothbrush for kids are usually soft-bristled and can easily get frayed.
  • Throw away your toothbrush as soon as possible after being ill to prevent reinfecting yourself. Soak your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthwash after each use when ill to kill germs.

Storing Your Toothbrush Properly

How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

Now that you know how to keep your toothbrush clean, the next task is to store it properly, so that the bristles are not bent or compressed, and so that it can quickly air-dry after being used. Here are some tips on proper toothbrush storage:

  • Don’t store your toothbrush in a closed container as this prevents it from drying completely. A wet toothbrush creates a thriving environment for bacteria. However, if you are travelling, keep your toothbrush in a container case to protect it from dirt and bacteria. Make sure it is dry before placing it in the case.
  • Store your toothbrush in an upright position to allow water to drain easily from its bristles, letting it dry quickly. This prevents bacteria from growing on your toothbrush head.
  • Clean the toothbrush holder once a week. The toothbrush holder can potentially transmit bacteria to your toothbrush and then to your mouth. Wash it thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water. Check if the toothbrush holder is safe to run it through the dishwasher.
  • Don’t let toothbrushes touch each other to prevent cross-contamination and the transmission of bacteria.
  • Never share your toothbrush as this can result in the exchange of harmful microorganisms, which increases the risk of infection. This is particularly a concern, especially for people with a weakened immune system or existing infectious disease.

A clean, sanitary toothbrush is essential for your oral health. Following these tips helps enhance your dental health routine and keeps your toothbrush in top shape.

Visiting Your Dentist in Oshawa

How to Help Your Toothbrush Take Care of Your Teeth

A regular dental checkup is an important part of your oral health care, so book an appointment with a trusted dentist in Oshawa. In addition to regular brushing, a thorough dental cleaning helps control the bacteria thriving in your oral cavity, which in turn reduces the number of bacteria on your toothbrush.

If you are looking for personalized dental care and attention, you can trust Simcoe Smile Dental. We take pride in our commitment to give our patients with our wide range of dental services including family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and Invisalign orthodontics. Call us today at (289) 312-1482 or simply fill out our contact us form to book an appointment. We are ready to listen to all your dental needs and provide the right dental services and treatment

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