936 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1G 4W2
936 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1G 4W2
Evening appointments are available.
 Same day and walk-ins accepted.
Painless, safe wisdom tooth removal to prevent future infection and decay.
Wisdom teeth get their name because they are your last set of teeth (molars) and they come in typically in your late teens. Some people get 2 wisdom teeth, most get 4 (one for each quadrant of your mouth).
Wisdom teeth are enclosed within your gums and jaw in the back of your mouth and partially break through the gum. This partial break provides a safe haven for bacteria to enter and causes infection. This can also lead to pain and swelling.Â
There are a number of benefits of wisdom teeth removal, they are:
Removal of wisdom teeth means less crowding, and lesser crowding reduces orthodontic problems.
By removing wisdom teeth you can prevent damage to nearby teeth.
It also helps reduce the risk of gum disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
Helps reduce the risk of inflammation.
Lessen orofacial pain.
Can be helpful in reducing the risk of cysts, tumors, and jaw damage.
During your visit, the dentists at Simcoe Smile Dental will examine your wisdom teeth and determine if there is any way to save it. Necessary x-rays will be needed to check the positions and state of the wisdom teeth under the gum line. Before we remove your wisdom teeth, we will take your health problems into consideration and customize a suitable treatment for you.
Before removing the teeth, we will administer local anesthesia so you will feel no pain.Â
 Do eat soft foods and drink plenty of fluids.
 Do use an ice pack on your face to reduce swelling.
Don’t drink through a straw, as it may slow down the healing process.
Don’t eat hard, crunchy, gummy and sticky foods.
Don’t smoke and don’t rinse your mouth harshly.
Bleeding may occur for few hours after tooth extraction. Place a clean moist gauze over the extracted area to stop loss of blood. If heavy bleeding continues contact your dentist.
It is also essential to avoid rinsing or spitting after tooth extraction.
Facial swelling typically occurs after the extraction of the teeth. You can use an icepack on the area to reduce swelling.
Pain medications can be taken as recommended by dentist.
Foods should be avoided. Avoid alcohol if you’re taking pain medication.
Do not use mouth wash as they can irritate the extraction site.
Wisdom teeth removal in Oshawa can cost anywhere between $200 to $600Â to extract a single tooth. It depends on how complicated the surgery is (level of infection, placement of tooth etc.). For more details, speak to the team at Simcoe Smile Dental.
Yes, but it is usually recommended that the patient takes a day or two off from work after getting their wisdom teeth extracted.Â
The second day is usually the worst day after getting your wisdom teeth removed. The area around the extraction site might swell up, there may be some discomfort or mild pain. Both the swelling and the discomfort will subside in a few days. If they do not, give us a call right away.
One of the best tooth replacement options is a dental implant. Our oral surgeon will use artificial teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. You will be put under local anesthetic while the oral surgeon places the implant and you’ll wake up with a new smile!
When a tooth is damaged beyond repair, it will be extracted from its socket. The dentist will take an x-ray of your mouth to evaluate how to safely remove the tooth. We will provide you with aftercare instructions and options for your tooth extraction.
When a tooth breaks or tooth pain becomes unbearable you may require urgent dental care. Simcoe Smile Dental offers emergency dental services for broken, chipped or dislodged teeth, crowns or fillings, persistent gum bleeding and toothaches. Our knowledgeable dentists are able to accommodate any dental emergencies promptly.