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Habits That Are Damaging Your Teeth

Knowledge is Half the Battle Many times we may have habits that we don’t realize are causing damage to our teeth and beautiful smile. Chances are if you knew what these bad habits were you would make an effort to stop these bad habits before the damage is done. However, the damage may already be… Continue reading Habits That Are Damaging Your Teeth

You Asked: Flossing Doesn’t Help?

Recently I heard on the CBC that there was a statement that “there has never been a study indicating that flossing is beneficial to your teeth and gums.” This statement is tricky and may be true BUT IS REALLY MISLEADING. You see, it is very difficult to conduct a study which requires the academic scrutiny… Continue reading You Asked: Flossing Doesn’t Help?

Tooth Pain Primer: What to Do

Tooth pain can be caused by a number of factors. It may be induced by infection, decay, or dental injury. Many times the pain originates from an exposed nerve in the tooth. You may be surprised to discover that not all pain in the mouth is caused by a problem with the teeth. It is… Continue reading Tooth Pain Primer: What to Do

How To Identify The Warning Signs of Oral Cancer

Let’s be honest- taking care of our teeth and gums can prove to be challenging at certain points in our lives. But our oral health is so important and so is signs of mouth cancer. With any type of cancer, early detection is crucial if you want to overcome the illness. Knowing the signs and… Continue reading How To Identify The Warning Signs of Oral Cancer

Why Are My Gums Bleeding? What You Need to Know About Gingivitis

The Cause of Gum Bleeding: Bacteria Did you know that gingivitis is caused by a microorganism bent on destroying your teeth? This bacteria burrows into the root and bones of your teeth and eats away at them. If it goes ignored, it can turn into a larger gum disease called periodontitis. Those tiny bacteria hang… Continue reading Why Are My Gums Bleeding? What You Need to Know About Gingivitis

Digital Imaging Vs. Conventional X-Rays

Conventional radiology introduced us to the xray way back in 1895. Because xrays go through hard things they are used to get images of bones and in dentistry especially TEETH. When we compare the old xrays with Digital xrays  digital xrays win in every comparison.

What’s new in caring for your gums and teeth?

Coconut oil has been praised by the media for its nutritional benefits in the last few years. Although research is still being conducted to confirm its overall health benefits we are now seeing coconut oil being used in the care of teeth and gums. The Canadian Dental Association states that 7 out of 10 Canadians

Why Your Hygienist is Concerned That You Smoke

A scary Statistic: 45,000 Canadians die every year from tobacco related diseases. This is the equivalent of two jumbo jets crashing every week. There would be an outrage if all those jets actually crashed but tobacco related deaths don’t cause an outrage.

What Your Braces Elastics Colours Say About You

  You may not always enjoy having to wear braces, but choosing the colour of the elastics can be quite fun. You can get creative with selecting the colours so that they can match your favorite outfits or show support for your favorite sports team. You can show off your school spirit with your colours… Continue reading What Your Braces Elastics Colours Say About You